.. Renewnet Foundry documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri May 5 14:45:20 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Renewnet Foundry **************** The Renewnet Foundry is a suite of tools originally created for the simulation of renewable energy devices and systems. It is developed in Matlab, but most componenets can also work in Octave. However it is also useful for simulating many other kinds of systems and subsystems, as it is a modular suite of tools with a range of capabilities. The most well developed parts of the foundry are the following tools: * MBDyn Matlab Toolbox * Edinburgh Wave Systems Toolbox * Edinburgh Electrical Machines Toolbox In addition to these main tools, there are also Matlab functions and classes, including plotting tools, utilites for checking inputs, exporting data and much more. INSTALLATION ============ First download the release .zip file and extract it's contents on your computer. .. note:: Windows users, make sure you follow this step, sometimes it is easy to forget you are just browsing the still-compressed zip folder in the file browser. To get started with the matlab code you should run the function:: rnfoundry_setup which you can find in the top level directory. It is also advised that you READ THE HELP FOR THIS FUNCTION before running it to get an idea of what it does and what the system requirements are to get optimum performance. DOCUMENTATION ============= Documentation is provided in two forms, inside the matlab functions and classes, in the standard Matlab help format, and for some tools, as standalone documentation in html (web page) format. The html documentation can be found in the *documentation* subdirectory in the top level directory. The latest version of the documentation for some of the tools is also hosted online, e.g: * |ewst-link-pre|\ |version|\ |ewst-link-mid|\ |version|\ |ewst-link-post| * |mbdyn-link-pre|\ |version|\ |mbdyn-link-mid|\ |version|\ |mbdyn-link-post| .. |ewst-link-pre| raw:: html Edinburgh Wave Systems Toolbox Documentation v .. |ewst-link-post| raw:: html .. |mbdyn-link-pre| raw:: html MBDyn Matlab Toolbox Documentation v .. |mbdyn-link-post| raw:: html USAGE ===== You can find some example scripts in the following directories: Edinburgh Wave Systems Toolbox ------------------------------ rnfoundry/wave/doc/sphinx/examples This contains examples of using the Edinburgh Wave Systems Toolbox. Further (less refined and well commented) examples of using this may be found in rnfoundry/wave/matlab-octave/wec-sim/test MBdyn Multibody Dynamics Toolbox -------------------------------- rnfoundry/common/multibody/MBDyn/doc/sphinx/examples Further (less refined and commented) examples can be found in the testing code in rnfoundry/common/multibody/MBDyn/test Permanent Magnet Machines Toolbox --------------------------------- rnfoundry/common/electrical/matlab-octave/permanent_magnet_machines_tools/examples_and_tutorials Contains examples of using the permanent magnet machine simulation tools .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: self Indices and tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`